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Hello there,


I've met a small problem. While I having fun on PRO a friend came for 10min to take back his forgotten keys and I when I went back on PRO I was disconnected. I tried to reconnect several times but it failed whereas I can see the players flow moving up and down. Is there some kind of punishment for being afk too long ?


Many thanks for your answer :)

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1. you will get kicked after 7mins AFK. And, as I tried, i think there is 10~15mins temporary ban for each AFK which more than 2 times AFK a day. (need staff to confirm for this)


2. please don't post in game guide for any question for new topic. this session only make guide to help people.

Or, if you want quick answer, there are Live Chatroom for you to ask :)

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my Pokémon Revolution Online Game Guide List


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92345 i think there is 10~15mins temporary ban for each AFK which more than 2 times AFK a day. (need staff to confirm for this)

such a temp. ban doesn't exist. however the 7min afk kick is right.


moved to proper section


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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