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Can Boss Rewards Pokemon be Event-color-schemed?


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I was wondering if I choose a Pawniard as a boss 3rd time rewards will there be a chance to get the Darth Vader one? Also, how does it work for the Easter pokemon?


Greetings, TrainerLeo.


I would like to inform you that you cannot get any other sprited Pokemon from bosses rather than Shiny one. Therefore, Darth Vader Pawniard or Event-themed sprites are something that boss rewards cannot have. However, you can find each for 1/100 and 1/550 respectively, in the according places. Pinkan Island does not drop any event-sprited Pokemon however, just normal / shiny + Pink ones.


I hope this answers to your question. Have a good day, do not hesitate to ask any further questions!

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As there shouldn't be any further questions on this topic, I will now lock it. Feel free to ask anything else that is unclear in the future, have a great day!

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