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Guild System is Essentially Entirely Broken for us


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We've been struggling to promote some of our members to officer for a few hours, and none of the staff on the discord or ingame have been able to help us.


We started out trying to promote some of our members to officer with our Guild Leader's account. That didn't work, so we tried demoting and repromoting some of our officers. The account could demote, but cannot promote past member rank.


We were then told by several staff that the way to fix this would be to have the guild leader leave, and then rejoin, with the new guild leader able to reset everything and restore the old guild leader's permissions. What the staff didn't tell us was that the guild leader was locked from leaving, and there was no way to do anything. At the moment we have one officer left in his proper rank, and there's no way for us to promote anyone past member. How do we fix this? (For reference, this has only been an issue since about when the easter event started, although we thought it was just a random glitch until now)


Screenshots for reference:





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We've been struggling to promote some of our members to officer for a few hours, and none of the staff on the discord or ingame have been able to help us.


We started out trying to promote some of our members to officer with our Guild Leader's account. That didn't work, so we tried demoting and repromoting some of our officers. The account could demote, but cannot promote past member rank.


We were then told by several staff that the way to fix this would be to have the guild leader leave, and then rejoin, with the new guild leader able to reset everything and restore the old guild leader's permissions. What the staff didn't tell us was that the guild leader was locked from leaving, and there was no way to do anything. At the moment we have one officer left in his proper rank, and there's no way for us to promote anyone past member. How do we fix this? (For reference, this has only been an issue since about when the easter event started, although we thought it was just a random glitch until now)


Screenshots for reference:






Hi @Talamine


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Unfortunately the guild system seems to have some problem and will surely be looked into. However, despite you have said you have tried already something, could you please try anyway the following after having restarted your client?

  1. Demote the one wanted to be promoted to Officer, to Initiate
  2. Kick him from the guild
  3. Invite him back
  4. Try again to promote him to Officer.

If that should work then proceed and try this:

  1. Pass the leadership to that person
  2. Get kicked
  3. Then reinvited and given leadership back
  4. Then promote back to officer and that should work.

You can also try to use the commands instead of rightclick on the name of the player: /gpromote <Username> , /gdemote <Username> , /gkick <Username>


Looking forward to your reply, have a wonderful day !



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I don't know how to make it clear for you guys that we're simply unable to do any of this...

I posted a screenshot where you can see that neither the commands in chat, nor the buttons work.

Our guild leader is simply unable to do any promoting passed member rank, our guild leader is also unable to leave the guild.

We have tried this a few times over at this point, as stated in the post above. We've contacted for support both in-game and on the official pro server, and they ended up pointing us to the forums.

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Hi @Tailamaine


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that, after checking with our developers, it seems that the error is on our end.

Unfortunately I cannot give you any estimated time as for when it will be fixed, as for now they are currently working no-stop to solve all the server status issues, i hope you can understand.

We are unable as well to pass the guild leader to someone else and then pass it back to you, i'm sorry to disappoint you.

Once the issue will be solved, we will make an announcement on our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD , so please be patient in the while.


Have a wonderful day !



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  • 5 weeks later...

i have the same problem, the only way for me to pass leadership is via command (/gleader name ) the new leader will be able to promote, if you wanna pass it back i would suggest the leader to leave the guild first or else (for me at lest doesnt work) even after this tho you may experience the same bug so i would suggest to use an alt and pass the leadership everytime it bugs. all this if ofc the /gleader command works for you. gl i hope it gets fixed :]

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i have the same problem, the only way for me to pass leadership is via command (/gleader name ) the new leader will be able to promote, if you wanna pass it back i would suggest the leader to leave the guild first or else (for me at lest doesnt work) even after this tho you may experience the same bug so i would suggest to use an alt and pass the leadership everytime it bugs. all this if ofc the /gleader command works for you. gl i hope it gets fixed :]

unfortunately it doesn't. Thanks for the suggestion tho. More helpful than the mods have been.

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