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Hello Staff,

I am a player of pro, I am mostly interested in customisation like clothes,mounts and sooo .......on.

But at the starting of game we would select the character as we wish with a particular hair colour.But the hair colour is not looking good with some kind of clothes.I wish if there is a saloon in pro game.


Thank u...

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Hello Staff,

I am a player of pro, I am mostly interested in customisation like clothes,mounts and sooo .......on.

But at the starting of game we would select the character as we wish with a particular hair colour.But the hair colour is not looking good with some kind of clothes.I wish if there is a saloon in pro game.


Thank u...


Hi @GamerKing143


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that it is possible to customize your characters' default clothes, hairs, eyes. To do that, you need to use a Magic Mirror.

You can obtain a Magic Mirror through the Ingame coin shop for 50 coins or buying it from other players using the in-game trade chat or the FORUM TRADE ZONE making sure to use the coins & item sub-forum.


In alternative, I would like to inform you that there are some in-game shops NPC that sell hats or clothes in change of Pokedollars.

  • Ecruteak and Lavander town Marts for some clothes and hats
  • Olivine House 1 or Route 12 House for the Fishing Hat

You can check those items preview in our official CLOTHING & MOUNTS SHOWCASE. In this case, the section you need to check is the Ecruteak and Lavander Clothing shop one.


As you have picked Pikachu as your starter, you are also able to complete the Ash's Hat quest. Please, check THIS LINK to know how.


I hope that the information given provided some clarification, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Have a wonderful day !



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