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Atk/Def Glitch?


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I was battling a Kakuna with my Bellsprout on Rt. 2. Of course it maxed out its Def. in 5 Moves, but I figured I could counter that with Growth, since I figured raising my Bellsprout's Atk would undo the heightened Def attained by the Kakuna. So I used Growth 5 times. And then used Vine Whip 3x(until the PP was out). Now, I am aware that Grass is weak against Bug(right?), but I gauged the limited effect of Vine Whip both before and after the 5x Growth, and there was definitely no improvement. I feel logic dictates that tactic ought to have worked...


Do I simply not grasp that aspect of the battle system correctly? Or was it as I suspect, a glitch or error in programming?


P.S. I did not receive any Exp. for defeating Brock's Onix...Is the $ he gives you personally in lieu of that?

Edited by Kenvis
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My bad. Is that the official? I clocked out @Gen5, but I thought it was always 5x...

And that is exactly my point. Base Vine Whip 'gainst "+6 def" had the same effect as when I fully +ed the Att. for it.


In PRO? Or officially, now? I mean, I can live with it, since getting the Badge is arguably reward enough.

That has got to be unique to PRO...? Can't say I approve, on principle. But it it's official, who can complain...


Thanks, hahahaka!

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Ran across a Wild Heracross that used Feint 60-70 times consecutively. It never occurred to me that the wilders don't have PP limits...or I would never have tried to wear it down.


"What's good for the goose is good for the gander..."

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