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alt payment note (read before locking)


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Amazon pay currently lessened its tos. Currently hacked roms / games are using it as it now allows direct donation payments. Further information shows that Amazon pay as well does not allow charge backs on donations.


Amazon pay will cost no more than 2.5% + 30. if you add that to current money to paid for currency pricing the amount would not be much diffrent than PayPal.


The new tos allows users another payment option until its updated to block this type of transaction. The other part is it allows more players globally who cannot pay with other options a chance of donating.


cons are that the tos might be updated. If that happens then the charge method would need to be removed. However this charge method works on an api. meaning it can both be removed and added without any real thought "make sure to add a white line for easy location if you direct inject the api vs running in it's own sub file.)


issues would come from external or internal integration. Though that's more of a choice of how you add it.


overall with the current tos it's no diffrent than PayPal other than the fact users are paying with Amazon VS PayPal.


Avarage time activating Amazon pay as a merchant is 2-4 days. Avarage time to remove Amazon pay from a proxi or game is 3 minutes unless you need to do a server restart. in the case the amount of time would be based on boot speed.



if you have further questions about it feel free to reach out to me. if you want example as well of copy righted games using it refer to the pokemon / naruto/ dragon ball z RIP games that link from side loaded apks or strait against Google TOS rips. as they are all currently using as theirs not refusal and 0 retaliation for donation. as once given the donation is final.

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