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Problem with lending trade


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Well, this is my second report for this. The first time, I posted in general support wich might explain why I did recieve an answer.

So I'll try one last time, in right section this time.


In June 5, 2019, I reported two ''bugs'' wich was occuring with both trade and lending system.

The one related to the cancel message have been solved, so I'll explain the other one.


This is quite simple.

The same that as my previous report, one of my guildies wanted 2 Pokemon to complete Sinnoh region. I decided to help him out with lending trade.

I traded to him my Bisharp and my Infernape. I will provide screenshots of the Pokemon in case it could be usefull.



I traded the two Pokemon in one lending trade. The time was set for 7 days.

When he took a look to the time he had after trade, the Bisharp had indeed 7 days.

But not the Infernape, wich was 6 hours. This was not enough to rush Sinnoh, so he sent it back to me then I traded it back to him.


To be more precise, the time was not the same for the two Pokemon even if I traded them during the same trade for the same duration.

It only happenend to me one time.


Hope I'll get a kind of answer this time. =3

Thank and good day! =P


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