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Hi i used to play this alot when it was red or blue servers but ive recently came back tried logging into my account if i go on gold server my account is a new one with 2 mini ms med's and no pokemon and if i try logging in on silver is says my passwords wrong. id really like to get back into this but really dont wanna start at the beginning again.


Thanks in advance!

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Hi i used to play this alot when it was red or blue servers but ive recently came back tried logging into my account if i go on gold server my account is a new one with 2 mini ms med's and no pokemon and if i try logging in on silver is says my passwords wrong. id really like to get back into this but really dont wanna start at the beginning again.


Thanks in advance!


Hello @Madmanripper ,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.


I can see you have already merged your account great! In saying this users can come across an Invalid password "Error" after merging, all you need to do now is reset your password.

Please ensure that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9) you can do so by following the link below.



For any further information in regards to merging please also take a look here EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE


Let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards, Livana.

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