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Its new guild.

We create it for you.

We are here to help each other.

Nice too meet you :)

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1. The Almighty Kings rules above all; Which means: - Decision made by Kings cannot be challenged or opressed by any means. - All orders must be obeyed or will be punished severely. - Lower ranking members must perceive their rightful place and must convey a positive respectful energy towards Kings. - Respect and appreciate your leaders, the pillars and the foundations of the nation.


2. Remain Drama free: - All members are free to socialize, do not feel restricted to make jokes and enjoy your time together as a family. -Know the boundaries; - Every individual has a specific capacity of how much they can handle before they perceive something in a hurtful/emotional way. Know the limitations, if someone asks you to stop, do it before it gets worse. Punishments will be severe and could cause a possible demotion if the individual is a higher ranking member in the guild. Global mutes will also happen to prevent the event from escalating.




3. Do not beg or ask for power or promotions: - Beggars and power hungry [person who i respect]s will be ignored. -threats will also be ignored; For ex: If a person threathens to leave if they do not get promoted, they are free to do so, we will not chase after you, you are not that special in our eyes.


4. Have fun!: - Enjoy your time here in the guild! You are a noble person which I believe that has a unlimited potential that is capable of achieving whatever is set in their mind. Be you, and treat everybody with respect especially your leaders. Other than that, be free and enjoy the game!



1.We help with pvp knowledge

2.In the future we add ev service and level service.

If you wanna join you'll have to give us some informations about yourself:

> What's your Name/IGN?

>How old are you?

>Where are you from?

>Are you active on discord?

>What is your goal in Pokemon Revolution Online?

>Why do you want to be part of our Kingdom?

>What is your favourite pokemon and why?

Are you sure you wanna be a part of our awensome Invaders Kingdom?Do not wait, join now and help our Kingdom grow in power.





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