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Friendlist bugged


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I have a problem, I cant unfriend people in PRO and i have too many friends and when i add more it does not show. i want delete some. there is a person i bought ev train and he is i want my pokemon back but he is not in my friendlist. I think the problem is because my friendlist is bugged


I did try right click and unfriend as well /friend name .... but nothing happens



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I have a problem, I cant unfriend people in PRO and i have too many friends and when i add more it does not show. i want delete some. there is a person i bought ev train and he is i want my pokemon back but he is not in my friendlist. I think the problem is because my friendlist is bugged


I did try right click and unfriend as well /friend name .... but nothing happens

[ATTACH type=full" alt="Screenshot_17.jpg]91561[/ATTACH]

[ATTACH type=full" alt="Screenshot_18.jpg]91562[/ATTACH]


Hello @jiyose ,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.


In regards to this issue, it has been forwarded to our Developers to look into.

We will update you with news as soon as possible, however in saying that there is no estimated time on when that will be.


In the meantime you are able to unfriend users, however this is only possible if the user in question is online. unfortunately this is the only possible way of doing so for now.


Let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards, Livana.

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