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Shadows Clan-Recruiting Again! :) with new slots ^^

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Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild)


<r><QUOTE author="xXGDoucet0403Xx"><s>

</s><POST content="109657"><s></s>109657<e></e></POST> Ingame name: xXGDoucet0403Xx<br/>

Badges/playtime: 16 th badge and 106 hours played <br/>

Your goal in pro: keep playing and eventualy beating hoenn when its out <br/>

Can u use discord while playing? no<br/>

Why should we accept you: love pro and helping in it<e>


Come here <URL url="https://discord.gg/0nQ4GrhGfYAMOLEP">https://discord.gg/0nQ4GrhGfYAMOLEP</URL></r>


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Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild)


<t>Ingame name: Lightdawnx<br/>

Badges/playtime: 16 badge, 233 hours<br/>

Your goal in pro: I am competitive player, not trying to be best but improve all the time. <br/>

Can u use discord while playing? Yeah <br/>

Why should we accept you: I am competitive and usually just thinking about my team and having my own moments, chilling and playing rated, but i also try to help new players and such as much as i can. Well i am funny and cool guy (if i can say that @myself) xD Godam i got dc for afking while writing this lol , but if you guys accept me to the guild i would be happy. Trying to get back online now :p.</t>


Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild)


<r><QUOTE author="LightDawnx"><s>

</s><POST content="110697"><s></s>110697<e></e></POST> Ingame name: Lightdawnx<br/>

Badges/playtime: 16 badge, 233 hours<br/>

Your goal in pro: I am competitive player, not trying to be best but improve all the time. <br/>

Can u use discord while playing? Yeah <br/>

Why should we accept you: I am competitive and usually just thinking about my team and having my own moments, chilling and playing rated, but i also try to help new players and such as much as i can. Well i am funny and cool guy (if i can say that @myself) xD Godam i got dc for afking while writing this lol , but if you guys accept me to the guild i would be happy. Trying to get back online now :p.<e>



We cant let you out now that you got dc for us :D<br/>

haha joking joking, i will add u ingame when u are online ;)</r>

Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild)


<r><QUOTE author="LightDawnx"><s>

</s><POST content="110703"><s></s>110703<e></e></POST> Hahahaha ^____^ yay thanks , i am online now :p<e>

welcome <E>:Cool:</E></r>


Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild)


<t>Ingame name: Zupercooer<br/>

Badges/playtime: 16 with 211 hours game time<br/>

Your goal in pro: joining a guild for now I guess... giggles... my goal is to be able to play and enjoy PRO with enthusiastic people, makes gaming more entertaining as a whole :)<br/>

Can u use discord while playing: yup, can't wait to either :)<br/>

Why should we accept you: I enjoy playing games with other people, I am not a great tactician when it comes to the meta-game but I do enjoy this sort of thing, and I am more than willing to help out all guild members</t>

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