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BurningHunters guild for every type of player!


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Hello all! This is Fatmin (Amin), the Guild-leader of BurningHunters.We are an friendly guild that is actually searching members. Everyone is welcome doesn't matter if you are shiny collector, godly collector, PVP player or hunter. Only some requests left :

-At least 150h playtime

- Hoenn champion

-Your English should be unterstand able.

How to apply?

- Tell your ingame name

-Tell you discord tag

-Post a picture of your trainer card

-Tell if you are a shiny collector/pvp player/hunter or godly collector

-Tell if you offer daycare service or not

That's all you can see our rules in our Discord server^^

(Will post picture of guild member when i got)

About us

What is our goal?

1.Have alot fun with hunt/pvp tournaments

2. Get in top 10 of Guild-ladder :SquirtleShy:

What can we offer?

1. As you read hunt and hunt/pvp and shiny pvp tournaments with rewards

2.An discord server with PRO-bot and guides

3. An guild-bank with pokemon/money/items that we can lend

Thanks for your time if you are interested to join just apply we are happy about every new member! :RowletHeart::RowletHeart:

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