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I looked in Tohjo falls and cant find him, i found other 2 pokes but cant find this one. Do i need to climb up a waterfall?


Hello @Poplasen,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

In order to get the Seen Data of Suicune, you need to go to Tohjo Falls and battle Suicune which is located on the top of the right waterfall.

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It is possible to reach Tohjo Falls via two different ways:


  • From Kanto, by going south of Route 26 and then, once you are in Route 27, going to west.
  • From Johto, by going east/right of New Bark Town

In order to reach Suicune, a Pokémon with Waterfall is required in order to climb the waterfall.



For any further information in regards to the Legendary Dogs quest or any other Legendary Quest please take a look at the link below.



If you have any other questions in regards to the above, please feel free to ask.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]

okay tnx, i found him




I am glad to hear this helped.


As this has been resolved i will now lock this thread.


Have a lovely day.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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