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Came back to pro and need some help.


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i came back after a long time and merged my accounts from the old servers, but when i got into the game i had to start from 0, i had my pokes but no progress in the story and i coiuldnt move my pokes around or change them to the pc. Would be good if anyone can help me.

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i came back after a long time and merged my accounts from the old servers, but when i got into the game i had to start from 0, i had my pokes but no progress in the story and i coiuldnt move my pokes around or change them to the pc. Would be good if anyone can help me.


Hello @Osmanyp,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

I have checked our tools and can see you have merged the wrong account.


Your account has now been unmerged.


You will need to merge your account by logging in to the DASHBOARD.

When you arrive at the Dashboard you will be given an option to merge, Select the desired merge option which will be the BLUE server, once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!


I recommend reading the EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE post for any question related to merging.


If you happen to get the Invalid Password/Username error, please go ahead and change your password here PASSWORD RESET

ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9)


If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Kind regards, Livana.

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