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Hello this is list of all the shinys that I am looking for, if you have one of these pm me:

On forum

On discord Optimism#9398

Or in game JustLegend



Shiny scyther or scizor




More info:


Maxmimum amount of cash you can get = 40m

10m if nature is adamant + money for IVs

5m if nature is +attack (green attack) + money for IVs

10m if ability is technician + money for IVs

25m if nature is adamant and ability technician + money for IVs

how to calculate money for IVs?

15m (max) money for IVs; spatk IV is excluded;

attack IV is most important, so seller is getting more cash for this IV and less for other IVs

max amount of cash for atk IV is 5m, for all other (except spatk!) is 2,5m

atk IV => 1-9 (1m) / 10-15 (2m) / 15-20 (3m)/ 20-27 (4m) / 28-31 (5m)

any other IV =>1-9 (500k) / 10-15 (1m) / 15-20 (1,5m)/ 20-27 (2m) / 28-31 (2,5m)


Paying with

Gold server => cash or coin capsule (270k each)

Edited by JustLegend
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