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most people have played runescape i suppose but what im suggesting is something like what runescape has and works quite well,the grande exchange system,what im presenting is that we have a system like that as well in all the pokemon centers with an computer on the wall of sorts where you can put pokemon into the pc for sale and put a price on it and hit enter and it stays there till someone buys it or till you remove it. when searching for pokemon using the pc it goes from highest to lowest lvl and it shows everything from nature,ability to iv and ev and you can scroll to look and find the one you want to buy[same goes with held items and berries]. if we had a system like this it would be a big part of this games economy and it would flourish if implemented. plz and thank you for reading

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when people create auction house's in the game they usually do it like every other game and the one thing thats the problem is that they always put a time limit on the item you put in the auction, so if it doesnt sell you have to come and get it and resell it and they always have and intrance fee for every item you want to sell, which sucks as well and is a pain,my idea eliminates both those problems and makes it better for everyone[also ms would be easier to sell as well]

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