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Please ban people who abuse move timer


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Yeah I have come across players like this in the ranked pvp system and it's very annoying. I suggest that maybe a timer system like the one on Pokemon Showdown could be implemented. For example, If the user takes the full 120 seconds to choose a move, their timer gets reduced to 60 seconds the next turn they have and the timer would keep being reduced each time they take forever.

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I agree with TR3Y idea. Sometimes i can take a long time to play a turn when i need to check calculations of a risky move i want to make, but i dont mind getting my following turn time reduced as it is rare for it to happen. Getting a "rope" system like in Hearthstone could be helpful with this kind of behaviour. In substance, those people are not breaking any rules so they don't deserve to be banned, but changing the timer system could avoid this kind of behaviour. I mostly see it happen when a server reset annoucement is made, as people know that if they stall long enough for the server to reset, the game wont end and they wont lose any point. In my opinion, it is by far more toxic than simply be a ragekid and extending the game time for no reason.

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