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Discord: Ǥeorge#0001

IGN: ItsBigShaq


My name is George but ingame I go as ItsBigShaq (as stated above, UK people should get the funny reference) I've played this game an ok amount before the servers merged a while back, had about 100 hours on red which is now Silver but Gold is now my main server which I started from scratch, below is proof of my hour count aswell as completing all regions



Daycare Services:

You must tell me what move you want and what move to replace

You pay after I return with the pokemon

I can travel to any region, Kanto is probably preferable though

Price will be 15k for the move + an additional 3k for me to put the move on for you (18k total)


Level up Service:

I will be levelling your pokemon up to level 97 due to any level above that being extremely annoying in terms of XP so I would have to use rare candies, if you're willing to pay the price for the rare candies then I will get it all the way to level 100 for you

First Evo Pokemon (eg, Squirtle) 40k

Second Evo Pokemon (eg, Wartortle) 50k

Third Evo Pokemon (eg, Blastoise) 60k

I can probably do each pokemon within an 1-2 hours per pokemon depending on certain pokemon this time could fluctuate



35k for Full EV Training (eg, 252/252/6) (per pokemon)


I am just one person so me having all day to spend on the game is not possible but none the less I will try to finish your pokemon as quick as possible depending on the amount of work needed

I will be taking a screenshot of the agreement ingame aswell as the trade and I advise you to do the same just to be on the safe side for both of us

Edited by Georgge
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