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Is there an actual call in number I can talk to a human with


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Hi Frostyjoe. I know what this is regarding and because of that I am locking this thread. There is no number to call, the staff are all volunteers who live all over the world, it would be impracticle to have one. What we have is this forum for player/staff communication.


If you have a problem with the staff member handling you appeal then you can write a complaint in the general complaint area, which I see you've already done. Please do not spam posts all over the forum and wait for a reply. Someone will get to it when they can, it may not be as fast as people like but like I said, we're volunteers and do this in our spare time.



Please do not contact staff for private support, post your question in the appropirate subforum as others may have the same problem.

All unsolicited message will be ignored for the above reason.


* General support * Bug resolution center * report center * Discipline appeals * Game guide *

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