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HELP ME GM magneton evolve


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I did not know how to evolve my magnton to magntzone I was searching on youtube I just got confused is I left it lv 100 in the wrong place could you STAFF evolve for me or leave it lv 99 again so I do not have to lose (S )?

Hello there @damonsalvat1.


I would like to inform you that I deleveled your Magneton to level 99.

Level up Magneton past level 30 in Kanto Power Plant for it to evolve into Magnezone.


The next time you need a staff member to Delevel your Pokemon post it HERE.

Have a good day!


Kind regards, Contrary

General Support | PRO Official Discord | Bug Resolution Center

Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can be of use to others.

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