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Hello, i have a question. I wanna try my abra on route 208. I already have 252 spatk. But now i wanna train SPD. At night on water i 1.36 points for SPD for fight. But when i train abra it is does t work. When i fight with diffrwnt pokemon it work. So my question is. It is a limit or what? Now i have 74 SPD.

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Hello, i have a question. I wanna try my abra on route 208. I already have 252 spatk. But now i wanna train SPD. At night on water i 1.36 points for SPD for fight. But when i train abra it is does t work. When i fight with diffrwnt pokemon it work. So my question is. It is a limit or what? Now i have 74 SPD.


Hello there,


You can only have a maximum of 252 EVs in a single stat, and 510 in total on a single Pokemon. It seems like you have already reached the maximum EV limit for a single pokemon. However, you can remove those unwanted EVs by using Ev reducing berries.

[spoiler=EV reducing berries]Pomeg Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's HP by 10 EVs.

Kelpsy Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Attack by 10 EVs.

Qualot Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Defense by 10 EVs.

Hondew Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Attack by 10 EVs.

Grepa Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Defense by 10 EVs.

Tamato Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Speed by 10 EVs.


You can find those berries in berry trees, headbutt, buy it from other players or buy them from goldenrod flower shop.

If you have any other queries, feel free to ask.





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