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ive been looking for the legendary dogs so i can do the celebi quest, found them all but suicine, checked all over tohjo falls, up the waterfall, bottom left, cant find it, dont have the dex data.


Hello @Widgett,


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Could you please confirm that you have gone to the bell tower in Ecruteak City and made the legendary dogs flee from the bell tower basement.

[spoiler=Bell Tower ]J04pYSM.png.d2dcde7bcee0ab492756d80467fb589d.png



If you have done so, could you please take a screenshot of the respective area where Suicune spawns in "Tohjo Falls, right of the waterfall" and show me here.




Looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]

i never went to the bell tower, my bad, thanks


Hello @Widgett,


No problem at all, as this has been resolved I will now lock this thread.


Have a lovely day.

Kind regards, Livana.

[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ibb.co/7WTk06f/ezgif-1-99c8047e4ad8.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/']General Support[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq']PRO Discord[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/']Game Guide's[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/mapping-bugs.28/']Mapping Bugs[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] [URL='https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/pro-rules.188/']Rules[/URL] [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 20, 147)]♡[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 180)]Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others. Unsolicited messages will be eaten by dementors[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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