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Need Help Installing Linux Version

Guest trainershane

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And the solution sage explained did also not work?


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

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Hello, I play PRO on linux just fine.


For those of you who have problems try the following:

Using the terminal, execute the launcher with the --force-opengl option


"/path/to/PROLinux64" --force-opengl


Here's how my PRO opens:

"/opt/pokemonrevolutiononline/PROLinux64_93_3.x86_64" -force-opengl


I'm running Arch, so I just installed the AUR package and never had any problem, take a look at the links bellow, maybe it will shed some light on the matter.

here's the PKBuild


and here's the AUR package page



Good luck and have fun!


Consider trying out Manjaro, Antergos or Arch someday, the AUR really is something.

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Guest trainershane

After updating the drivers I was still not able to open the game. I will try using the force open command. I saw a forum post where someone was doing that, but I was not able to figure out how to do that command. I am a complete Linux noob.


Ill try using those commands you gave and let you guys know if they work!

Thanks so much, you guys have been a great help.

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Guest trainershane

Im really sorry I need my hand held so much during this but Im really struggling. I tried opening it using your commands verbatim from the terminal on the desktop and from the PRO folder and no matter what I put it told me no file or directory found.

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