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I think that creating a guide with all pokemons which deserve to be captured (because they can potentially be sold) would be a good idea for begginers and for everybody in general.

The immediate benefit would be :

-For those who capture : they would not miss an opportunity ;

-For everybody in general, because more pokemon would be available on the market, which would allow more personne to have acces to the pokemon they want to have and to lower prices of every pokemon.


I wish I had the experience to do it, but it is not the case yet.


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All of catchable pokemon are deserve to be captured and their "value" are different from each player opinions. Thus we can't declare each poke's value that could play with different role & strategy in battles. Even a magikarp or a rattata (or any poke which annoys players in general) could affect the whole battle if you do it right. Furthermore if such a value being implemented, it would creating gray zone where players would be blindly catch anything based on the value without knowing their usages, like how much legendaries players on console. you cant measure a pokemon just because "wow this pokemon is so strong" but any factors like combination and strategy affect the whole game too.


Which we back to Pokemon motto

[glow=white]"Catch 'em all"[/glow]


and try to involve them in battles and some strategies.

I knew someone would give this argument - to which I agree on some ways, because it is totaly true from a pvp point of view - but I continue to think that there must be some pokemons with more value than others (just because more people want them or because they are more used). The difference has to be made between the intrinsic value and the exchange value, as people like Smith pointed it out (the latest one being the one which interersts me).

If i take your exemple of ratata for instance, I'm not sure il would be worth to catch all ratata you find on your way - because they are not rare and a lot of person do not use them - and they do not worth the price of a hyper ball.

But if you find an abra on your way, I think that is is worth to catch it anyway (because it is easy for him to have value and is more used by pokemon trainers).

I think that putting all pokemon on the same scale is not realistic considering the offer and supply that exist on a market.


Thanks for your answer anyway.

Hello there,

The Pokémons which are in demand are as follows:

- Scyther

- Venusaur

- Chansey

- Arcanine

- Gyarados

- Excadrill

The OverUsed pokemons in pvp are the ones which can be categorized as "Valuable Pokemons"



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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