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What if i accidently have two accounts in ladder on last day?

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What if , on the last day of season i have 2 accounts in ladder(top25) accidently?

It's very rare that happens as we always check that everything is in order before the end of the season (one account by our election resets if you don't contact us), especially with the members of the top 25; however, if this happens, the punishment would be applied according to our rules. That's actually in one of our rules that you accepted upon registration.

[spoiler=PvP rule #6]

6. You can use only 2 of your own accounts to PvP within each season. Using any account you do not rightfully own, or using more than 2 accounts, will result in heavy punishment.

  • You can only have one account in the Top 25 at the end of the season, having more than one will result in heavy punishment.



You can find all of them by clicking this link.


Do i have to reduce the rating myself then or the mods remove one account from ladder?

Pls do answer..thank you

In case that you get two accounts in the top 25 by an accident and the season hasn't ended, you can always contact us and ask for a rating reset. We'll be grateful that you contact us.


Do you have any other concern?


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

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