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Xmas adamant h.a riolu

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Hello everyone, I'm looking to sell this riolu in auction




Start offer : $ 3.000.000

Minimum bid : $ 300.000

Insta sell : $ 8.000.000


Auction last 72h after first offer


I accepts : Capsule coins (350k each) / reroll ticket (700k each)


Rules :


- If you submit an offer, you will not be able to cancel it. Think carefully before bidding.

- The auction will end 48:00 after the first offer is posted.

- In accordance with the rules, and in order to avoid a snipe at the end of the auction, any bid made during the last 15 minutes of the auction will lengthen it by an additional 15 minutes.


You can pm me on game directly or forum


Good luck everyone

Edited by malltesers
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