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My problem is that when i used to caught pokes and catch them the pokedex has to increase the no. Of owned pokes but it is not increasing. When i catch more than 7 pokes then there is only one owned poke is increased.

For example. My owned pokes are 230 when i caught more than 7 pokes than it is becoming 231.

I am getting mad by this problem could you help me with this.

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My problem is that when i used to caught pokes and catch them the pokedex has to increase the no. Of owned pokes but it is not increasing. When i catch more than 7 pokes then there is only one owned poke is increased.

For example. My owned pokes are 230 when i caught more than 7 pokes than it is becoming 231.

I am getting mad by this problem could you help me with this.

Hello @ZaiedAhmedpoke,


I would like to inform you that the caught Pokemon in your 'Trainer card' should increase everytime you catch a Pokemon.

The 'Owned' Pokemon in the Pokedex only increases when you caught a NEW Pokemon (one you didn't have the data from in your pokedex or that isn't showing the Pokeball icon with the picture).


I hope this information answered your question.

Have a good day!


Kind regards, Contrary

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