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PRO Username: received

Do you have active membership?: No

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I had bought 200 coins but i just received 100 coins.i had relog many times.

A long time had passed since i bought coins.

And I don't know how to upload a picture.

I need help


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

relog many times


Description and Message

You got your receipt from both of your purchases ? If so make a request just here with the recipt of the coins you didn't get : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=71 . If you have only one receipt that means you only bought one time this might be why you only got 100 coins


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys




All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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