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Clone Charmander Error displaying


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Greetings, @twFrisk

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I think you got confused, the last time clones event was activated was around June, in halloween we got halloween event where you can get a form of charmander but that is too different than the clone form.

For this i would like ask you if you have any screenshot of that charmander clone.


I will be waitting your reply.

Have a great day,


Sorry I seem to have forgotten the "Reply button", I'm afraid you didn't find my reply, so I'll press it now.

I want to express things as I listed above.


Thank you for reading.

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The Proving Image 2019-11-18 00:20:14

[ATTACH type=full" alt="126257]126257[/ATTACH]

Sorry I seem to have forgotten the "Reply button", I'm afraid you didn't find my reply, so I'll press it now.

I want to express things as I listed above.


Thank you for reading.

Greetings, @twFrisk

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like inform you that you got blacked out 5 times in this quest and one of the requirements to get that clone was dont get black out 5 times, for that you didnt get the clone, we checked this through our tools and checking your variables.


I hope this have solved your doubts.

Have a great day,


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Greetings, @twFrisk

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like inform you that you got blacked out 5 times in this quest and one of the requirements to get that clone was dont get black out 5 times, for that you didnt get the clone, we checked this through our tools and checking your variables.


I hope this have solved your doubts.

Have a great day,


really? Because I saw it was clone to I caught Darkrai... I put it to pc...

fine, thanks alot for solving my doubts.


:"> thank you !

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