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Struggle bugs


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Hello ! I used to report bugs to admins directly but it seems they are pretty busy so i wanna make sure tester are aware of the bugs i found.


This bug is about the move "struggle" which have few big bugs.

I have tested all of these bugs on Pro + showdown to make sure these bugs are real


- the move is coded as speatk in pro which shouldn't be the case (this also means that serperior contrary will dead huge damage with struggle after using every leaf storm if he manage to get x4)






- Struggle can hit through protect


- Struggle get the move priority if you were stuck on a priority move.

For exemple : if you are choice band dragonite and use your 8 extreme speed, your next struggle will be +2 priority


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Hello ! I used to report bugs to admins directly but it seems they are pretty busy so i wanna make sure tester are aware of the bugs i found.


This bug is about the move "struggle" which have few big bugs.

I have tested all of these bugs on Pro + showdown to make sure these bugs are real


- the move is coded as speatk in pro which shouldn't be the case (this also means that serperior contrary will dead huge damage with struggle after using every leaf storm if he manage to get x4)


[ATTACH type=full" alt="127839]127839[/ATTACH]




- Struggle can hit through protect


- Struggle get the move priority if you were stuck on a priority move.

For exemple : if you are choice band dragonite and use your 8 extreme speed, your next struggle will be +2 priority

Hello @malltesers


Sorry for the inconvenience.


I have forwarded the bug to our developers and they are currently working on a fix for it.

Stay tuned to our Update Logs to be notified of when this bug has been fixed.


Thank you for taking the time to report this bug.

Have a nice day!

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