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PRO timeline?


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So, I can assume that this is "what if" story that we have here. Well, ofc it is since we are playing a fan game.

But still, some stuff of it doesn't make any sense.

I was assuming that since RED is NPC and already got everything in Kanto region, then Team Rocket should be no more...

"Once defeated, he disbanded Team Rocket and left the player with the Earth Badge and TM27 (Fissure)." - quote from bulbapedia

Plus since it's After Red's adventure, we could assume that BLUE should be new GYM leader (HeartGold and SoulSilver).

But then we have this:

Blue was beaten by Giovanni. Or at least people in chat told me that it was Blue.

If it would be based on Pokemon Origins, then again... Blue got 8th badge before Red.

So... it makes no sense.

Just to confirm that PRO seems like to be HeartGold/SoulSilver based:

Fuchsia's Gym Leader is Janine, daughter of Koga.

While Koga himself is now an Elite 4 member (What a turn!)

So, it's clearly past first Gen (or 3rd gen based remake)

And ofc not 2nd gen (or 4th gen based remake) since Giovanni still here...

So what is the deal though?


No matter how, i still can't place this game between original pokemon timeline.

Well, one thing for sure. We even got "White" team rocket members walking around... I still don't understand is they do appear only for Pikachu selectors or always for everyone?

Or maybe they are here to make us feel like "this story makes completely no sense at all"?

Okay, i'm done. But still... Could someone explain whole plot of this game?


EDIT: And seems like it was Gary not Blue. So makes no sense again.

If this story is past Ash or Red, why the hell Gary still doesn't have 8th badge?

And in fact, how does he know our name if it's our first meeting?

Plus MewTwo still under control of Giovanni.

Giovanni, MewTwo, Gary. All those 3 lead to Anime episode.


So once again, when does it takes place?


Actually... I don't have Guild yet...

But I'm huge fan of Pokemon and Monster Hunter... so I combined it... Sorry ^^'

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I just want to know what creators were thinking.

Since Blue (Green) should be strong as Red.

Or perhaps it's kind of bug.

Maybe instead of Blue (Green) we were supposed to see Jackson saying the same thing?


Actually... I don't have Guild yet...

But I'm huge fan of Pokemon and Monster Hunter... so I combined it... Sorry ^^'

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You need to remember that PRO is not a copy of the original handheld games. Even the maps are different, some of them differ in just a few details and others are completely revamped. We even have places like Love Island or Trainer's Valley (and several more) that are 100% original to PRO.


So, even if PRO is based on the original games, PRO is its own game, with its own story and system. Comparing it to the original games is pretty much pointless.

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PRO adopts certain aspects of the handhelds but is not limited by them. The same can be said for the generation PRO follows, it isnt boxed into one particular generation but has certain parts (by parts i mean pokemon/move mechanics/pokemon abilities/maps/etc) of them (mostly all of gen 1-3 and parts of 4-6).


As for a plot, PRO has its own. Cant really say more here...

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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