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Option (not) to rebattle trainers!


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that topic probably might be permanently reviewed.


Still coming up with it. My concerns are based on the constraint to rebattle a trainer while farming, heading for a trade, or whatever scenario.


Is there any possibilty to add an option to choose, whether you want to rebattle or not, by chance? E.g. by simply talking to the NPC, if you want him to fight you again like if you are looking for decent xp, or just to have some fun fighting low level pokes with your 100ish poke, and so on.


As I come to think of it, adding a dialogue window, by using numbers like 1, 2, 3 with each different answers would be quite some catharsis, in my opinion. At least, i would enjoy such a feature in any upcoming patch.


Sorry for my language, english skills went poof.


Thank you for reading my thoughts!




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This was brought up a few weeks ago, and I'll quote what I remember Arnie saying on this one:


Each trainer has a Line of Sight (LoS) which can't be changed. Whenever you walk into their LoS, it queries whether you've battled that trainer in the period of cooldown. If you have, they don't get alerted, if you haven't, they'll battle you. I believe he said it was impossible/extremely difficult to change this, so it wouldn't happen.

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106297 This was brought up a few weeks ago, and I'll quote what I remember Arnie saying on this one:


Each trainer has a Line of Sight (LoS) which can't be changed. Whenever you walk into their LoS, it queries whether you've battled that trainer in the period of cooldown. If you have, they don't get alerted, if you haven't, they'll battle you. I believe he said it was impossible/extremely difficult to change this, so it wouldn't happen.




It doesn't mean it can't be done, however, it would take a lot (a lot lot) of time to re-script how that works, meaning that the top priority objectives would be inevitably postponed. We don't discard 100% changing that, but as I said, there are more important matters at hand at the moment, like for example, finishing Hoenn (among other things).

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:thanks: for the information,


will try to avoid trainers by chance.


although there are places where you can't, like straight before fuchsia (forgot the route right now).


However, thank you for commenting, that's what i wanted to know.

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I think it's just that the lower level NPCs are just an annoyance. Waste of time for very little reward.


Now for the higher level NPCs I love it. Very nice money and exp. if I have some mid level pokes. I battle them every chance I get, but I do try to avoid those lower level ones.


If the devs want to keep NPCs like they are now (no choice in the rebattle), perhaps they could at least up their levels AFTER completing both johto and kanto E4. That way it's more exp and money and would be less of a annoyance to most players.


In the end though no matter what you do there will always be people that complain instead of just being happy that they have an awesome pokemon mmo to play.

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