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Headbutt Spawns


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In this game there is alternative spawns of pokémons like excavation, digspot and headbutt.


The first two have many perks : a lot of money for digspot, rare pokemon for excavation.


Headbutt isnt nearly as good as the other. I did several run of all headbutt spawns it take maybe an hour to make one and the resultat are not great. A lot of the spawned pokemon are common. they are maybe 3 rare pokemon to spawn for each run, this isnt comparable to excavation for example.


I know headbutt is free and it gives berries to compensate but i still think we should increase spawn of rares pokemon or at least make commun pokemon a little better ( the intermediate spawns arent great either).


We could maybe increase the hidden ability chance of pokemon, maybe drop some evolutionnary item.


Thanks for you attention

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