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Lose my blastoise ...?? Pls help me


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I accidentally put my blastoise on, how do I get it back? PLS HELP ME[ATTACH=full]137475[/ATTACH]

Hi @GodzBasc


Sorry for the inconvenience.


We've recovered your Blastoise for you, and it should be in the last slot of your PC.

Just as a heads up, this side quest requires you to repopulate the pond, which can be done by releasing certain water type pokemon there. Note that any water type released in the pond will be permanently lossed. The types of pokemon needed is given as a clue somewhere in Suzuka Town.

You can find a video guide

if you're having trouble with the quests.


I hope this solves your issue. Since the problem has been solved, i'll be locking this thread.

Feel free to make another if you have any further questions.


Thank you and have a lovely day!

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