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PC Boxes



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Hello, I know there're going to be nice improvements in relation with PC system but I've not read some betterments that IMO would fit very well with this game:


[glow=red]1. Search Square[/glow] (I know this will be a thing)



[glow=red]2. Auto-sort by:[/glow]

  • Alphabetical order
  • Pokédex Number order
  • Default order (as always)


[glow=red]3.New captured/traded sent-to-pc Pokemon:[/glow] when you don't have space at your party and in case of having configured your PC with Aplh or Dex order, a box called "New" for the recent ones. Example:

It would be a button-box or two with no number that would simulate a box-instance. You could drag/move Pokemon from them and drop/put in the listed boxes.


I hope it to be some good ideas! Greetings :Heart:

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