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therian forms of new birds, cant learn any move by tutor , is bugged


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hi, i tried to learn thundurus focus blast and defog, but it couldnt, npc said that thundurus cant learn that move, same with lundurus and superpoer, and tornadus knock off. But only happen this with totem forms, i have therian forms but i havent the item, and i havent any discoverie to got the item, so if you could fix that bug pls

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hi, i tried to learn thundurus focus blast and defog, but it couldnt, npc said that thundurus cant learn that move, same with lundurus and superpoer, and tornadus knock off. But only happen this with totem forms, i have therian forms but i havent the item, and i havent any discoverie to got the item, so if you could fix that bug pls



I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Thank you for reporting this bug. Unfortunately this is a known bug with the Therian forms.

An alternative method to teaching them the tutor moves is to convert them back to their Incarnate forms (The form you first encountered them as) teaching any necessary moves you want them to have, and using the Reveal Glass on them again.


I hope this solves the issue. If you have any further questions, please don't be afraid to ask me here.

Have a great day!

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yeah, but i havent that item, yesterday ítem was tradeable so i changed the form xd, and havent any discoverie to got the ítem. but no problema, ill wait to fix that bug , ty for answer havegood day



I'm glad I could help you solve your issue.

As a little bit of information, you can get a Reveal Glass by getting 10 Mirror Shards from the Hoenn Excavations, and redeeming them at the Wondrous Site.


I'm going to lock this thread now, if you have any further questions or doubts, feel free to make a new thread.

Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!

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