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Guest TheCombatPat

Hello people of Pro! I am TheCombatPat and I started today (Feb. 29 A.K.A Leap Year Day). While on the forums,I go by TheCombatPat. However, my IGN for PRO is Patorikku445. The Patorikku part is Patrick (my name) in Japanese and the 445 part is Garchomp's (my fav pokemon) National Pokedex number. So if you hapen to see me, feel free to say "Hi" or any other type of greeting. I also go by Pat if that's what you want to call me. So besides that, I'm Patrick and it's good to meet you! Until next time...


-TheCombatPat (A.K.A. Patorikku445) :Grin:

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What? We can have different forum and IGN names? .-.


Anyway, welcome and have fun, Patrick! Hope you'll run into Sponge Bob quickly. :]

(Patrick is actually my middle name, I can't help but yield to the urge of making this kind of joke whenever I meet a(nother) Patrick. Sorry.)

109605 What? We can have different forum and IGN names? .-.


Anyway, welcome and have fun, Patrick! Hope you'll run into Sponge Bob quickly. :]

(Patrick is actually my middle name, I can't help but yield to the urge of making this kind of joke whenever I meet a(nother) Patrick. Sorry.)

i geus its his second account


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