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Hello! I'm confuse right now about the 7day cooldown


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Hello! I'm confuse right now about the cooldowns.


It is because bosses still have 12d cooldown but with 10 bosses per week right?

So this is what Im confused right now.

Does the cooldown of 7 days start at the the first boss you fight OR

at the last boss you fight OR

you have like every saturday it restart like the other games


I'm making a plan so that i would know what day would I go for bosses

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Hello @Luciooo,


Sorry for the confusion. The Cooldown for each Boss is still 12 Days. But the 10 Bosses per 7 Days was added additionaly. So you can do 10 Bosses in one Week and then 10 others the next week and then the Cooldown from the Bosses you did the first week has already ended and you can rebattle them again. So you pretty much need to pick 20 favorite Bosses. I hope that helped.






Hail to the ANT KING

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You are welcome :-) I‘ll close the Thread now since the problem is solved. Feel free to open a new one whenever you run into any Problems or have any Questions.


Have a great day,



Hail to the ANT KING

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