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Re: Lean's Shop - The cheapest prices in town! - Bid for Bonsly!


<r><QUOTE author="Shaakh"><s>

</s><POST content="118089"><s></s>118089<e></e></POST> I would like to buy a King's Rock (10k). Currently I am in Kanto. I can move to where you are if it is in Kanto.<e>


Thank you for your purchase! =)<br/>


<QUOTE author="w33po"><s>

</s><POST content="115334"><s></s>115334<e></e></POST> iam still waiting for your bonsly bud <E>:Shy:</E><e>


The auction ends in 2 days. You have the current best offer.</r>

Re: Lean's Shop - The cheapest prices in town! - Bid for Bonsly!


<r><QUOTE author="rockbotjake"><s>

</s><POST content="120399"><s></s>120399<e></e></POST> Would i be able to trade a kings rock for 2 metal coats?<e>


Sorry, I don't take other items or pokemon as payment.</r>

Re: Lean's Shop - The cheapest prices in town! - Bid for Bonsly!


<r><QUOTE author="Shuura"><s>

</s><POST content="120873"><s></s>120873<e></e></POST> I'm buying electrizer for 40k.<e>


<QUOTE author="Soephaai"><s>

</s><POST content="121022"><s></s>121022<e></e></POST> Hey, I would like to buy the macho brace.<e>


I will add you ingame when you're online ^^</r>

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