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Greetings everyone!

I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season and also wish to apologize for the inconveniences experienced this end of the season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team.


We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating!



  • Normally, 1st Place will receive 700 PvP coins, 2nd place 695, and so on.
  • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season!
  • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards!
  • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven!



  • Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
    • [spoiler=SILVER LADDER]
      #Rank  Name           Guild      Rating  Wins  Losses  Win%
      1.     Cynthia7       RevenanT   534     119   16      88
      2.     0danobunaga    Chaos      473     85    21      80
      3.     fantazi0       Predators  467     122   26      82
      4.     ThanhNT        RevenanT   457     243   87      73
      5.     GDarch         RevenanT   453     87    26      76
      6.     w3ikath        Predators  450     93    40      69
      7.     Black          Trinity    448     65    18      78
      8.     Smooge         NoMercy    446     48    8       85
      9.     Pispi13        NoMercy    446     62    9       87
      10.    Juanhey        RevenanT   443     117   52      69
      11.    Nakofum        Chaos      442     55    9       85
      12.    GaboZD         Predators  441     78    18      81
      13.    khurshid       INDIAN     441     140   49      74
      14.    malltesers     Trinity    438     133   39      77
      15.    Jumplebow      Empire     438     158   92      63
      16.    rodrigoba      RevenanT   437     101   35      74
      17.    Royalboss      INDIAN     437     116   40      74
      18.    Pikpachu       Predators  436     99    37      72
      19.    GoldenP1kachu  Empire     435     41    3       93
      20.    rawrelit       Empire     435     55    10      84
      21.    Sch1zO92       Empire     435     263   147     64
      22.    Scream60       RevenanT   434     90    29      75
      23.    editigre       RevenanT   434     51    8       86
      24.    Redhat         Predators  433     242   108     69
      25.    Flap           NoMercy    432     49    11      81



[*]Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

  • [spoiler=GOLD LADDER]
    #Rank  Name           Guild            Rating  Wins  Losses  Win%
    1.     ThanhNT        VNBoostingStar   533     150   36      80
    2.     Nakofum        Ascension        496     116   37      75
    3.     BossGuzz       VNBoostingStar   482     240   75      76
    4.     Baganha        Ascension        474     91    27      77
    5.     Kasumiii       VNBoostingStar   466     59    9       86
    6.     Gabriel10HDZ   Skere            464     75    17      81
    7.     Bluehat        -                464     66    22      75
    8.     FuriousBliss   callusdaddy      463     123   18      87
    9.     Alberich       Skere            463     192   69      73
    10.    Papoo          VNBoostingStar   461     348   147     70
    11.    GRGnikos       Legacy           460     107   34      75
    12.    pureheart2803  VNBoostingStar   460     53    8       86
    13.    Pispi13        -                459     46    8       85
    14.    Aggs           Ascension        457     94    27      77
    15.    Royalboss      callusdaddy      457     81    20      80
    16.    editigre       callusdaddy      457     65    11      85
    17.    SHINYragnaros  callusdaddy      456     120   49      71
    18.    Ayvazar        callusdaddy      456     89    35      71
    19.    Khiem1998      VNBoostingStar   455     156   69      69
    20.    Deidaraa       Ascension        455     241   64      79
    21.    Tw1nG          NewBlood         455     48    7       87
    22.    malltesers     FrenchConnexion  454     77    30      71
    23.    stavd          Tranquility      453     91    27      77
    24.    WhiteSkyLand   VNBoostingStar   451     130   57      69
    25.    hugo5943       VNBoostingStar   451     77    23      77





  • Silver Guild Rankings
    • [spoiler=SILVER GUILD LADDER]
      #Rank  Guild        Leader         Rating
      1.     RevenanT     Chaosknigth    17607
      2.     Predators    Ta7esh         15808
      3.     Trinity      Black          15540
      4.     Empire       Goldenp1kachu  14332
      5.     NoMercy      Teerav         11940
      6.     Chaos        Imhanjoo       6144
      7.     Olympus      Crisx1         4157
      8.     Apocalypse   Dask54321      3872
      9.     FrenchSquad  Liyaine        3608
      10.    INDIAN       Khurshid       3571


    [*]Gold Guild Rankings

    • [spoiler=GOLD GUILD LADDER]
      #Rank  Guild            Leader         Rating
      1.     VNBoostingStar   Kien0810       19159
      2.     callusdaddy      Princekashyap  16319
      3.     Skere            Ayuwoki        10371
      4.     Ascension        Aggs           9419
      5.     Tranquility      Harjawaldar    4501
      6.     FrenchConnexion  Robiox63       3905
      7.     NewBlood         Elbruno        3715
      8.     Defiant          Vitalemontea   3675
      9.     enforce          Amalraj        3476
      10.    Legacy           Onkar          3385




  • Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Mercurius via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
  • If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25.


Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment!


Disclaimer: Placements on the ladder do not matter for your reward output, if you have tied rating with someone but your winrate is better but the placement here is worse then you still get the better placement rewards. The Reborn Bot doesn't filter by winrate, the query to reward players does.

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