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Sold, Can ba closed

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Yeah..i think GM should take a look into this..

He was selling it in game with c.o 4m and 3 mins left

I offered 4.2m and last he wrote was 1min left

I pmed 5mins after that and he claimed auction extends for 15mins if offer is received in last 15mins of auction ( which he didnt mention anywhere in his original post)

So GM please take a look at this


About that. Yes, it's my fault. It's already late when one of my friend told me that i should have add 15mins more. So, I'll let the mod handle this. Sorry

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@Bofoi is the winner of the auction with 6.2M. The +15 rule has been applied well. Please go over the trade rules if you are unsure what they are. @Artengo It does not have to be in the his post since this is a standard rule for the forum auctions.


Please post a screenshot when the trade is completed.


Have a nice day,


SIncerely Hawluchaa

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