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Broken Catchrate--Metang in safari zone


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Hey reporting this bug.


But I've been hunting metang for about two months praying for a shiny one ,and it usually takes about 40-60 ultra balls to catch the Pokemon when its asleep on 1 hp.


Ever since the mega update the Pokemon catch rate has been broken. I am now able to catch metang within the first ball or if it's a very bad run first five balls at 1 hp asleep.


I had two of my friends come ,and try to verify the catch rate was off ,and that I wasn't losing my marbles Lubbok ,and Iceflake assisted. They both caught metang within there first three balls.

The catch rate is broken since the update.




-The Metang hunter


IGN: Lyone/Feebas/Buneary

Edited by Lyone
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Hey reporting this bug.


But I've been hunting metang for about two months praying for a shiny one ,and it usually takes about 40-60 ultra balls to catch the Pokemon when its asleep on 1 hp.


Ever since the mega update the Pokemon catch rate has been broken. I am now able to catch metang within the first ball or if it's a very bad run first five balls at 1 hp asleep.


I had two of my friends come ,and try to verify the catch rate was off ,and that I wasn't losing my marbles Lubbok ,and Iceflake assisted. They both caught metang within there first three balls.

The catch rate is broken since the update.



[ATTACH type=full" width="165px" alt="168870]168870[/ATTACH]

-The Metang hunter


IGN: Lyone/Feebas/Buneary

Hi @Lyone


Sorry for the delay in an answer.


First of all, i'd like to thank you for reporting this.

Fortunately, the catch rate chance has been reworked and is now based on gen 7 catch mechanics. It was announced not too long ago in our Official PRO Discord server as follows:



Pokemon like beldum are now easier to catch!


Hope that cleared up any doubts you had regarding this.

I'll be locking the thread now since the bug has been solved, feel free to make a new one if you have any further questions or discover any other bugs.


Thank you and have a lovely day!

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