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Hello guys, I just come back to sell my Pink Scizor.

I hope you like it as much as I like.



I will do a 3 days (72 Hours) Auction, so AFTER the first offer you will have 72 hours to outbid it.


Start price will be 30M no more no less.

To be fair with everyone, the min. bid here will be 1M. (So you need to outbid for 1M or more).

Also, if you cant wait for it, 50M will be the INSTA price.



Info: The Pokemon is on my main account (Yakuzah) and it will be trade from there.

Also, If you need to contact me:

-IGN Yakuzah

-Discord Yakuzah#6765

Please if I'm missing something let me know.


have a good day :)

Edited by Komata
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