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Repel Trick Broken


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I have been doing the repel trick for the last hour or so and it was working normally at first but then it randomly stopped working. Since about 5:20am (GMT+1) I have not found a single pokémon through this method, despite there being no change in the time or the way I have been doing it.

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I have been doing the repel trick for the last hour or so and it was working normally at first but then it randomly stopped working. Since about 5:20am (GMT+1) I have not found a single pokémon through this method, despite there being no change in the time or the way I have been doing it.

Hello @KokiriCree


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Can you please tell me more about this bug? Things like what pokemon you were hunting, the pokemon and levels they were at when you used them, time of day, position of your party pokemon, etc. This will help us a lot to figure out the issue with the caused bug.


Looking forward to your reply.

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Hello @Maisa,


I apologise for the late reply.


I was hunting for a Houndour (levels 22-26) on route 7. My front pokémon was a fainted Baltoy at level 21, and a level 37 Natu was second in my party. I started around 9pm (in game time) and the repel trick was working normally until around 11pm. I was then unable to find any pokémon using the method until around 4am when I gave up searching.

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Hello @Maisa,


I apologise for the late reply.


I was hunting for a Houndour (levels 22-26) on route 7. My front pokémon was a fainted Baltoy at level 21, and a level 37 Natu was second in my party. I started around 9pm (in game time) and the repel trick was working normally until around 11pm. I was then unable to find any pokémon using the method until around 4am when I gave up searching.

Hi @KokiriCree


Don't worry about the late reply.


You seem to be doing everything correctly, from the fainted pokemon's level in your first slot, to the time of day in which Houndour spawns, which is Morning/Night.

I've personally tested this myself, and the spawn is fine, as you can see here:



Unfortunately this means that you are simply unlucky. Sometimes it can take 1 repel to encounter a Houndour, other times it can take up to 50+. In this screenshot, it took me 38 max repels to spawn a Houndour, it just depends on the RNG.


I hope I was able to clear your doubts, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask me.

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