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I thought "Why not have a nice little chat with everyone while the maintaince is going on!"

Maybe bragg about your Pokemon or just general fun stuff about PokeRev! :Shy:


Ive got a Solar Power Charizard and a Drought Ninetales! :Proud:

Beat that :Cool:



[glow=red]You're never too strong[/glow]

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112802 While i like to use my drought ninetales with my venusaur's solar beam, so venusaur can use solar beam in one turn instead of two. I'm not sure however if thats as good as your combo.

Your combo sounds awesome! Its a powerfull one!

I havent got to try my combo out yet as i just got my drought Vulpix :Shy:



[glow=red]You're never too strong[/glow]

112803 This may sound stupid but why is the server locked and when will it be unlocked. ( sorry if this question was already answered)

I don't think they have said when it will be opened or why it is in maintance mode :confused:



[glow=red]You're never too strong[/glow]

112802 While i like to use my drought ninetales with my venusaur's solar beam, so venusaur can use solar beam in one turn instead of two. I'm not sure however if thats as good as your combo.

Your combo sounds awesome! Its a powerfull one!

I havent got to try my combo out yet as i just got my drought Vulpix :Shy:


I'm curious what does charizard's solar power do? my guess would be power up fire attacks during sunny days?

112802 While i like to use my drought ninetales with my venusaur's solar beam, so venusaur can use solar beam in one turn instead of two. I'm not sure however if thats as good as your combo.

Your combo sounds awesome! Its a powerfull one!

I havent got to try my combo out yet as i just got my drought Vulpix :Shy:


I'm curious what does charizard's solar power do? my guess would be power up fire attacks during sunny days?

During harsh sunlight, Solar Power increases the Pokémon's Special Attack by 1.5×, but the Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each turn. (Source Bulpedia)



[glow=red]You're never too strong[/glow]

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