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I need help with the rerolling.

Recently, i reroll my landorus 6 times with 6 ivs reroll tickets. The ivs was bad so i refuse to apply. after that, i buy 1 reroll ticket with pve coin and i change it for 2 nature. i reroll nature jolly my landorus and jirachi and i disconnect and when i connect back i look the ivs was applied to my landorus.

Any staff members could solve this issues, please help.



Edited by artnak347
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I need help with the rerolling.

Recently, i reroll my landorus 6 times with 6 ivs reroll tickets. The ivs was bad so i refuse to apply. after that, i buy 1 reroll ticket with pve coin and i change it for 2 nature. i reroll nature jolly my landorus and jirachi and i disconnect and when i connect back i look the ivs was applied to my landorus.

Any staff members could solve this issues, please help.





I am sorry for the caused inconvenience, sadly sometimes it occurs that the server crashes and what's lost during it we can't recover, even if we wanted to.

If you have any form of evidence please send it.

I hope this has answered it for you.


Kind regards, Contrary

General Support | PRO Official Discord | Bug Resolution Center

Please do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums, as they can be of use to others.

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