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I lost 50 PVE coins


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I was in a sychro battle that i paid with my 50 PVE coins to get a dratini when the server crashed. When the server restart, i didn't have the coins or the opportunity to battle. I obviously can't do the command save in the middle of the battle.

I fight hard for those coins and don't want to lose them.

I wait for your answer.

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Hello @PsychoYousos69,


I am really sorry for the inconvenience, but sadly we can not refund that Coins since we can not proof on who's end the disconnet was. And it would also be unfair tho all the other players who encountered the same Problem and didn't report it / got declined. I hope you understand but people would start to abuse it if we did.




Again I am really sorry there is nothing else I can do here :-/



Have a great day regardless,



Hail to the ANT KING

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