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Plz help darkrai bug


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Let me clear everything in this.....I battled the mayor then darkrai came...then suddenly your server crash.....I log in 2min later the room was empty......I didn't even catched darkrai and didn't even go to the dark realm world......now plz don't say that I can't catch this year bcz it's not my fault....server crashed...I waited for 3year to catch darkrai.....plz do something....I beg u.


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Hi @Partha69

After receiving the Halloween Rapidash mount, you will need to defeat Horon with the same requirements again in order to be able to go to the Dark Realm again.

Do note that Horon has a 3-day cooldown, so he might not be there yet.


Hopefully in defeating Horon again, that should let you go to the Dark Realm.

I will be locking this thread now, feel free to open a new one if you run into any further issues.


Thank you for your patience and have a great day.

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