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A wild Ryis APPeared

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Some of you may possibly know me from my player account called Norbi, but if you don't, then let me introduce myself. My real life name is Norbi, I live in Romania and currently study languages (literature and grammar, that sort of thing).


I decided to try out staff work for the first time about two months ago, but only got myself to actually apply a couple of weeks before now. As far as I can tell, my staff team goals are succeeding and have been ever since I've been affiliated with them, I'm very happy about that and plan on continuing the process.


If some of you are wondering which role I've applied for; I'm a (hopefully) future T-Mod, I take care of your in-game chats, and every forum section related to trading along with the other T-Mods and T-Mods in training.


I hope I will be able to provide for you guys just as you'd expect a staff member to provide, and I also hope everyone will be satisfied with the work I'm going to put into this.


Thank you for reading. x)




Only contact me with trade-related issues or inquiries.

If you're trying to reach me for any different matter, refer to my player account to get in touch.

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