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my lvl 35 pikachu disappeared


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I was playing with some friends and in the middle of it we stopped playing for a bit to have a bit of a break and i just stood to get something and basically let the game disconnect me but when i came back and logged in, my lvl35 pikachu was gone and got replaced with a level 17 budew, i checked the machine in the pokecenter, logged back in and out, even asked if my friends got a lvl 35 pikachu or something, but got nothing, hope i am able to get mines back because i actually really really needed him


The first screenshot is one i took a bit before it happened, second one is it after i realized what happened, and third one is the ones i have in my box at the center




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Hi @Jackett


I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Pikachu back.


As of right now, unfortunately there isn't a way to prevent this bug from happening, however we are trying to figure out what the root of the bug is, and working to fix it as soon as possible. 
I'll be locking this thread now, if you run into any further issues, please make a new one.


Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!

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